Guiding Discussion Circles Online
A skill-building training on how to design and facilitate thought-provoking discussion circles online.

Course Description
Have an effective structure to engage in discussions about topics that are important or have deeply impacted your team is a pertinent skill to develop. Discussion Circles online are designed to create a safe and courageous space for students or staff to talk about important topics, acknowledge each other, share personal experiences, or talk about professional wisdom with one another. In this training you will learn and practice the art of creating discussion questions that rest at the core of this practice and how to build a circle experience around them that is focused, meaningful and functional online. You will receive advice on how to handle challenging issues that may arise and how to problem solve common issues that may show up during the planning and guiding parts of this practice. This training will provide you examples of discussion circles and resources to design a wide variety of them to meet your classroom or workplace needs.
2.5 hours long
Customized - can be broken into two 1 hour
15-minute sessions.
Issues Addressed
Challenges facilitating an engaging Discussion circle online without the use of a talking piece
Being limited by time and focus
Uncertainty around how to develop discussion questions that will prompt participants to open up about their experiences and opinions related to the theme of the circle
Experience online Discussion Building
Learn how to facilitate a Discussion Circle Online by experiencing one that has been expertly designed and facilitated by one of our Restorative Practitioners using Zoom, CircleUp Educations Online Discussion Circle Framework, and virtual facilitation best practices
Online Discussion Circle Framework
Receive an easy to follow framework for planning engaging Online Discussion Circles with structured Discussion Questions that take into consideration time, the number of participants, and openness among participants
Design Your Own Online Circle
Design your own Online Discussion Circle with support from an experienced Online Restorative Practitioner using our new Relationship Building Design Guide for Online Circles that you get to keep and use for all your future circles!
Secure Zoom Meeting Format
Audio and Video required during the meeting.